
इङ्वारम याक्थुङ लिम्बूको उत्पत्ति

याक्थुङ लिम्बू जातिभित्र रहेका विभिन्न वंशहरुमध्ये इङ्वारम वंशको उत्पत्तिको बारेमा यहाँ संक्षिप्तमा चर्चा गरिएको छ । पुरातन समयमा मानिसहरूले नाम मात्र लेख्ने गर्दथे, थर होइन । पछि तिनीहरू विभाजित हुंदै गए र आफ्नो छुट्टै पहिचान देखाउन प्रयास गर्न थाले। फलस्वरूप उनीहरू जहाँ गए पनि गाउँ, ठाउँ, खोला आदिको नाममा थर लगाउन थाले । थरहरू बसोबासको आधारमा मात्र होइन काम र विशेषताहरूको आधारमा पनि नेको पाइन्छ । उदाहरणका लागि: ताप्लेजुङका साँवा, लिबाङ, खेबाङ, सावादेन, लिङखिम आदि गाउँमा सोही थरका मानिसहरु बस्छन् । धनुष चलाउने मानिसलाई लिम्बू भनियो । यो कामको आधारमा बनाइएको नाम वा थरको उदाहरण हो । त्यसैगरी, विभिन्न कारणले फरक–फरक थर बनेका छन् ।

इङ्वारम थर पनि कुनै आधार बिना उत्पन्न भएको थर होइन । इङ्वारम थरको उत्पत्ति बारेमा पनि धेरै कथनहरू छन् । इङ्वारम थर पनि जन्म, समय, वासस्थान, काम वा विशेषताहरुको आधारमा रहन गएको पाइन्छ । अन्य कारणहरु पनि हुन सक्छन् ।

इङ्वारम थरको उत्पत्ति बारे पाँच मुख्य कथनहरू छन् । तिनीहरु यस प्रकार छन् ।

(१) पहिलो कथन: ताप्लेजुङ जिल्लाको सिरिजङ्गा–४, तेल्लोक, यारुङमा सानो जंगल छ । त्यहाँ एउटा गुफाजस्तै खाडल छ जुन भरिँदैछ । सबैले भन्छन् कि इङ्वारम त्यही गुफाबाट उत्पत्ति भएको हो । उ माटोबाट उत्पत्ति भएको हो । भाले बास्ने बित्तिकै भाले लिएर बाहिर निस्केकाले उनलाई इङ्वारम भनियो ।

माटोबाट मानिसको उत्पत्ति कसरी हुन्छ ? त्यहाँ बस्ने मानिसहरूलाई यो प्रश्न सोध्दा उनीहरू भन्छन् कि सत्ययुगमा माटोबाट पनि मानिसको उत्पत्ति हुन्थ्यो । तिनीहरूमध्ये कतिपयले जवाफ दिन्छन् कि तिनीहरूले पनि त्यही कुरा सुनेका छन् । तर, वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोणले हेर्दा मानिसको जन्म माटोबाट हुन सम्भव छैन ।

(२) दोस्रो कथन: याङ्वरक क्षेत्रमा गोर्खा र सिक्किमबीच भीषण लडाइँ भयो, जसले जनतालाई ठूलो पीडा दिएको थियो । र, उनीहरु आफ्नो ज्यान जोगाउन सुरक्षित स्थानमा गए । स्वर्गीय पूर्णबहादुर इङ्वारमका अनुसार गोर्खा राजाले यस लिम्बुवान देशका राजाहरूलाई आक्रमण गर्दा लडाइँको डरले याङ्वारकको तेल्लोकको कुनामा भागेका थिए । र, त्यो मानिस जङ्गलको गुफामा लुकेर बसेको थियो । तर, मानिसले आफूसँगै एउटा भाले पनि ल्याएको थियो । त्यो भाले गुफाबाट निस्केर बाँस्ने गर्दथ्यो । जङ्गलमा भाले कसरी बाँस्यो भनेर गाउँका मानिसहरू त्यहाँ गएर हेर्दा गुफाको छेउमा एउटा भाले र भित्र लुकेको अवस्थामा एउटा मान्छे भेट्टाए । र, तिनीहरूले मानिसलाई बाहिर बोलाए । लुकेर बसेकोले लडाइँ रोकिए पनि उसलाई थाहा भएनछ । त्यसैले त्यो मानिस तेल्लोकमा नै बस्यो । भाले बासेको कारणले थाहा पाएर गुफाबाट बाहिर निकालेकाले उनलाई इङ्वाले लतुबा, इङ्वालन, इङ्वालम हुँदै शब्द परिवर्तन भई इङ्वारम भयो ।

(३) तेस्रो कथन: प्राचीन कालदेखि सन्देश एक देशबाट अर्को देशमा वा एक ठाउँबाट अर्को ठाउँमा पुर्‍याउने काम हुन्थ्यो । युद्धको अवस्थामा होस् वा सामान्य परिस्थितिमा सन्देश आदानप्रदानको काम सन्देशवाहकहरूमार्फत नै हुन्थ्यो । यस्तो सन्देशवाहकलाई याक्थुङ लिम्बू भाषामा इङ्वारेम भनिन्थ्यो । याक्थुङ लिम्बू भाषामा इङ्वारेमको अर्थ सन्देशवाहक वा कूटनीतिज्ञ हो । आज पनि आफ्नो पद वा काम अनुसार हवल्दार, क्याप्टेन, मेजर आदि भनिन्छ । उसको काम अनुसार उसलाई इङ्वारेम भनिन्थ्यो। इङ्वारेमले लिम्बुवान र सिक्किमबीच सन्देश आदानप्रदान गर्थे । गोर्खा सेनाले इङ्वारेमको गतिविधिबारे थाहा पाएपछि उनलाई मृत्युदण्डको घोषणा गरे । यो खबर सुनेपछि उनी तेल्लोकको जंगलमा गएर आफ्नो ज्यान बचाउन लुकेर बसे । लामो समयपछि इङ्वारेम शब्द इङ्वारममा परिवर्तन भयो । हामी त्यही इङ्वारमका सन्तान हौं र अहिले इङ्वारम वंशमा विकसित भएका छौं । इङ्वारेम शब्द इङ्वारमसँग सबैभन्दा मिल्दोजुल्दो शब्द भएकोले, इङ्वारेमबाट व्युत्पन्न भएको भनाइलाई केही सत्य मान्न सकिन्छ।

(४) चौंथो कथन: हाम्रो इङ्वारमका पुर्खाको जन्म बिहान भाले बासेको बेला भएकोले याक्थुङ लिम्बू भाषामा उसलाई इङ्वाले लतुबा भनियो । बिस्तारै उसलाई इङ्वाले लतुबा भन्दाभन्दै इङ्वालन, इङ्वालम भनिन थाल्यो । बोल्दै जाँदा इङ्वालम शब्दनै बदलिएर इङ्वारम भएको हो

उपरोक्त भनाइहरुलाई विश्लेषण गर्दा इङ्वारम लिम्बूका मूल पुर्खा पहिला ताप्लेजुङ जिल्लाको पश्चिमी भागमा बसोबास गर्दथ्ये । नेपालको एकीकरणको क्रममा यस क्षेत्रमा भीषण युद्ध भएको कारणले वा खेतिपाती गर्न र बस्न उपयुत्त जमिन खोज्दै जाँदा त्यहाँबाट कोही तेल्लोक गएको हुनुपर्छ । ताप्लेजुङ जिल्लाको खेजेनेम र सावादेन गाउँमा अझै पनि इङ्वादक (इङ्वाशाम) लिम्बूको बसोबास रहेको छ । इङ्वादक (इङ्वाशाम) र इङ्वारम थर लगभग समान छन् । यो संयोगमात्र नभएर दुई थरबीच नजिकको सम्बन्ध हुनुपर्छ । दुवै थरमा भावनात्मक रूपले हामी एउटै दाजुभाइ हौं भन्ने छ । त्यसैले समय र स्थानको परिवर्तन सँगसँगै इङ्वादक (इङ्वाशाम) शब्दनै इङ्वारम भएको हुनसक्छ । वहाँहरूको वंशावलीको अध्ययन र वहाँहरूसँगको छलफलले पनि हामीलाई हामी नजिकका दाजुभाइनै हौ भन्ने कुरामा विश्वस्त तुल्याएको । तर, तेल्लोकमा बस्न पुगेको व्यक्तिलाईनै प्रथम पुर्खा मानेर हामीले आफ्नो वंशावली प्रकाशन गरेका छौं । तेल्लोकमा बसोबास गर्ने इङ्वारमको पहिलो पुस्ताको नाम वालिङथोहाङ (साम्याङ्खम्बा) हो।

Origin of Ingwaram Yakthung Limbu

The origin of the Ingwaram dynasty, among the various dynasties within the Yakthung Limbu caste, is briefly discussed here. In ancient times, people used to write only names, not surnames. Afterwards, they started splitting and trying to show their separate identities. As a result, they began to put their surname in the name of the village, place, river, etc., wherever they went. Surnames were formed not only on the basis of settlement but also on the basis of work and characteristics. For example: Sanba, Libang, Khebang, Sawaden, Lingkhim villages of Taplejung have people of the same surname. The man wielding the bow was called Limbu. This is an example of a name or surname being formed on the basis of work. In the same way, different surnames have been formed due to different reasons.

Ingwaram surname is also not a surname that originated without any basis. There are many statements about its origin. Ingwaram surname is also found to have remained Ingwaram surname depending on the time of birth, place of residence, work or characteristics. There may be other reasons as well.

There are five main statements regarding the origin of Ingwaram surname. They are as follows.

(1) First statement: There is a small forest in Sirijungga-4, Tellok, Yarung of Taplejung district. There is a hole like a cave that is being filled. Everyone says that Ingwaram originated from the same hole. He originated from the soil. He was called Ingwaram because he came out with the rooster after the rooster crowed.

How do people originate from soil? Asking this question to the people living there, they say that in the true age, people also originated from the soil. Some of them reply that they have heard the same thing. However, from a scientific point of view, it is not possible for people to be born from underground.

(2) Second statement: There was a fierce battle between the Gurkhas and Sikkim in the Yangwark area, causing great distress among the people. And, they went to safety place to save their lives. According to the late Purna Bahadur Ingwaram, when the Gurkha king was attacking the kings of this Limbuwan country, a man fled to the corner of Tellok in Yangwarak for fear of fighting. And, that man is hiding in a cave in the forest. However, the man also brought a rooster with him. That rooster would come out of the cave and crows. How did a rooster crow in the forest? When the people of the village went there, they found a rooster by the side of the cave and a man hiding inside. And, they called the man out. Although the war was stopped in hiding, the man did not know. That's why the man stayed in Tellok. He was called Ingware Latuba and Ingwalam as he was taken out of the cave knowing that the rooster was roosting. Ingwalam word changed over time and became Ingwaram.

(3) Third statement: From ancient times the message was conveyed from one country to another or from one place to another. Whether in a state of war or under normal circumstances, the work of exchanging messages was carried out through messengers. Such a messenger was called Ingwarem in the Yakthung Limbu language. In the Yakthung Limbu language, Ing means message and Warem means messenger or diplomat. Even today, according to his position or work, such as constable, Captain, major, etc. are called. He was also called Ingwarem according to his work. Ingwaram used to exchange messages between Limbuwan and Sikkim. When the Gurkha army found out about Ingwarem's activities, they announced the death penalty for him. After hearing this news, he went to the forest of Tellok and hid to save his life. After a long time, the word Ingwarem changed to Ingwaram. We are the offspring of the same Ingvaram and have now evolved into a dynasty. Since the word Ingwarem is the most similar word to Ingwaram, the statement that Ingwaram is derived from Ingwarem can be considered true.

(4) Fifth statement: Our Ingwaram's ancestor was born in the morning when the rooster crows, so he was called Ingwale Latuba in the Yakthung Limbu language. Gradually he was called Ingwalam rather than Ingwale Latuba. While speaking, the word Ingwalam was changed to Ingwaram.

Analyzing the above statements, it appears that the original ancestor of the Ingwaram Limbu lived in the western part of Taplejung district. During the unification of Nepal, a fierce war broke out in the region. That is why some people must have gone to Tellok from there. The villages of Khejenem and Sawaden in Taplejung district are still inhabited by Ingwadak (Ingwasham) Limbus. Ingwadak (Ingwasham) and Ingwaram surnames are almost identical. This may not be a coincidence. There may be a close relationship between the two surname. In both surname there is a feeling that we are emotionally the same brother. For that reason, with the change of time and place, Ingwadak (Ingwasham) word may have become Ingwaram. Their genealogy study and discussions with them have brought us very close to being brothers. However, in conclusions can be reached only after in-depth study, research, discussion and analysis on this issue.

We have started our genealogy by considering the person living in Tellok as the first ancestor. The name of the first generation of Ingwaram living in Tellok is Walingthohang (Samyangkhamba).